Thursday, July 4, 2019

Sale has a problem

I don't know what is wrong with him and I don't think anyone else does either. The man just isn't pitching like he should.

As a result, he gave up 3 home runs and the Red Sox lost last night 6-3.

Tonight the starting pitcher is Velazquez. As a note, he hasn't started since mid-May so this should be interesting.

This morning we spent two hours hauling crab apple branches into the woods. Then we spent some time at my sisters place enjoying the company of family.

When we got home this evening, we spent another two hours hauling crab apple branches into the woods. This is the result:

If I was an evil dictator and I wanted to torture people, I would make them drag carb apple branches around for a few hours a day. My arms are scratched up, my back is killing me and there are scratches on my face. I feel like I walked through a blackberry patch.

Those things have all kinds of sharp little nubs sticking out of them and they entangle with each other like velcro. You pull on one branch and six others try to come along for the ride. Then, when you try to untangle them, one of them snap loose and whips you in the face.

But the debris from one of the two trees has been cleaned up and while I was dragging the last few massive branches, my wife got a bit of a start on the second tree:

I'm hoping to be finished with the second tree tomorrow. Then it's just a matter of waiting for the tree guy to show up and cut down all the trees, including the two crab apple trunks.

I'm hoping the Red Sox do better tonight and take 2 of 3 in this series.

I'm also hoping you find these entertaining or enlightening:

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