Saturday, July 20, 2019

Price had a bad night

The Red Sox got beat by the almost last place Orioles last night and they got beat good. The final score was 11-2.

I'd like to say that Price sucks but I can't. This was the first game he blew in a long time and his pitching this season has be pretty damned good. I suspect last night was one of those nights that every pitcher has.

Fortunately Sale seemed to get his act together last time he pitched, Rodriguez is still on a roll and I have hopes that Porcello will do well tonight. I can't say much about the new guy, Cashner, because he's only itched one game for them and it was bad.

Like I said, hopefully Porcello will have a good night and the Red Sox win. They can't afford to lose to the Orioles.

Long day today. At 5:00 this morning, we got a phone call about a problem with my mother-in-law (she's fine). We ended up in the ER until 10:00 before everything got sorted out.

Then we ran our errands and at some point, one of my headlights decided to call it quits. This caused me to spend some time outdoors trying to figure out what the problem was.

I suspect a wiring issue but after 20 minutes in the heat, I decided it could wait until tomorrow morning. I'm not going anywhere tonight and if I do need to go somewhere, I'll take my wife's car.

I'll be watching baseball.

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