Thursday, July 25, 2019

Got a new toy.

We bought one of those voice assistant thingees and it arrived today. When I got home from work, I set it up, taught it were my smart devices were and then spent some time talking to it to see what it can do.

It reminded me the Red Sox were on at 7:00, it set a timer to remind me to turn off my lawn sprinkler and it played the NPR news to me.

I'm not entirely sure this is a necessity in my life but I kind of like it.

As I type this, it's the top of the 2nd inning, the Red Sox are up 7-1, the Yankees are batting, the bases are loaded and there is one out. Porcello was gold in the 1st inning but he is struggling in the second.

As with the Rays, if the Red Sox win one of these four games, I'll be happy. If they win two, I'll be very happy. If they win three, I'll be freakin' ecstatic and it they win all four of these games, I'll have to go get medicated.

While I watch the game, you can click the links:

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