Saturday, July 13, 2019

Quiet day today

Took care of some things that I needed to take care of and then it was lazy time. I basically spent this afternoon catching up on some DVRs and then watching some woodworking videos on YouTube.

For the record, woodworking isn't something I do as a hobby, it's something I do when I need to. I watch the YouTube videos because I like learning new techniques and tools. Several months ago I made a couple of temporary sleds for my tables saw out of MDF. Those sleds have served their usefulness and I figure it might be time to make a couple of permanent ones.

The permanent ones will be made out of a solid core plywood like birch. I'll pick up one of those plastic cutting boards and cut it into runners that fit the miter slots on my table. The stability of the plywood and the low friction of the plastic runners will make the sleds a lot more usable.

Hey, I gotta find something to keep me busy.

The Red Sox beat the Dodgers last night and I'm hoping they beat them again tonight.

While I watch them, you should think about clicking on these:

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