Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I mowed my dead lawn

Maybe it's not entirely dead but it's definitely not feeling all that well.

I've watered it every day this week and I'm hoping that is having a positive effect on it. They are predicting heat and humidity tomorrow so I'll continue watering every day until they get around to predicting rain.

Still no baseball. I watched a little of the Home Run Derby on Monday and none of the All Star game on Tuesday.

I'm not a fan of the All Star game because to the players, it's a joke. It's an excuse for them to hang out with each other and there is usually no chance of seeing anyone play well.

The game starts back up on Friday when the Red Sox will host the Dodgers for the start of a 3 game series. Maybe the Red Sox will have figured out what to do about their bullpen by then.

I'm going to make some dinner and then watch my DVRs.

While I do that, you can do these:

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