Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Nice win last night

The Red Sox took care of business last night, beating the Blue Jays 10-6.

Tonights game is looking like it might be a low scoring game since it's currently 0-0 in the 2nd inning.

We've been getting quotes on some tree removal and two of the trees we want removed are crab apples that are growing up into the wires. All of the guys have said, "I don't like working in the wires." and then they give us an outrageous quote.

My wife decided to call the electric company and National Grid said they would send a truck out to look. The guy showed up around 3:00 and my wive explained what was going on. He said that since we were going to have the trees removed, he would "trim" them for us.

I got home to find two tree trunks, each standing about 6 to 8 feet tall and a bunch of branches laying on the ground.

My wife and I spent an hour this evening dragging the branches out of the road and our driveway and into the woods and she will give the one tree guy who she liked a call and tell him he should come back and give us another quote.

So anyways, this is late because I was being a lumberjack.

While I watch the game, you can click on these:

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