Monday, July 1, 2019

No baseball tonight

The Red Sox are back in the United States and they are off until tomorrow. That is when they will leave the United States to start a 3 game series against the Blue Jays up in Toronto, Canada.

As for their recent loses to the Yankees, I got to thinking about it and I've got something to say:
    The Red Sox scored a total of 21 runs over two games and didn't win either game.
That is a shitload of runs.

In other baseball news, a 27 year old pitcher for the Angels named Tyler Skaggs was found dead in a hotel room. No one is saying why or how he died but no matter how, it's a damned shame.

Everyone is kind of pissed off the Trump stepped on North Korea soil. They are saying that by doing that, he give's legitimacy to the North Korean dictator.

I say that North Korea has had a dictator since the end of WWII and nothing anyone has done has had any impact on that.

Don't blame Trump for the Krazy Kims. He's just the guy stuck with dealing with a situation foisted on him by several generations of US Presidents.

I'm going to sit through an FAA presentation on weather briefings and then watch some bad DVRs.

You can do these if you want:

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