Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I don't know

I've never liked working from home. I like going to an office, kibitzing with fellow office people and doing office things. My employer is pushing us to work from home whenever possible and I'm kind of reluctant to jump on the bandwagon.

But if push comes to shove and I'm forced into a work from home deal, I'll set up a little hideout here at my house and treat it like an office. My office buddies and I can kibits over video conferencing.

I recommend to all of you that if you have a regular restaurant that you frequent, you should consider going there and getting some takeout. Those people are struggling and can use whatever business we can give them.

I'm going to head over to my buddies pizza joint/bar and order some food this week and you should do the same. We should all help the small business guy remain in business because if they close, it's not just them that loses out, it's all the people that work for them that will lose their jobs when the joint goes out of business.

Tom Brady is no longer a Patriot. This is causing a lot of people some distress but I'm of a mind that he should just retire.

Like I said yesterday, I suspect he will end up in San Diego but that's all just guess work on my part.

Here are a few links that I swear will not give you coronavirus:

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