Monday, March 23, 2020

I'm a little pissed off.

Dear elected federal official,

There are 435 members of the House of Representative.
There are 5 delegates from the Virgin Islands, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
There are 100 members of the Senate.
There are 2 members of the Executive Branch, the President and the Vice President.
This means there are 542 individuals tasked with seeing to it that the citizens of the United States are governed correctly, compassionately and fairly.

I don't care if you are a democrat or a republican.
I don't care if you are a senator, a congressman or the president.
I don't care if you are black, yellow, white or blue.
I don't care if you are gay, straight, trans or undecided.
I don't care if you are catholic, muslim, hindu or spaghetti monster.

I'm going to say something that I've wanted to say for along time:
You are all assholes, each and every one of you. All 542 of you deserves to be put on trial for the dereliction of duty.

We are under attack by a virus that was thoroughly documented and researched as far back as 1972 but no one ever funded any research into what medicines might prevent it or even slow it's spread.

We are experiencing a pandemic that was accurately predicted back in 2007 but no one ever spent a dime to act upon that prediction from those respected researchers.

Our economy is being turned into shit because people are not allowed to go to work.

We have a president who thinks he knows more than the recognized medical experts and continues to contradict them at every turn.

And now we learn that even though the citizens of the United States are losing their life savings, their jobs and probably their homes, you goddamned idiots can't stop playing politics or being self-centered spoiled little brats for 10 fucking minutes and do something that just might help us out.

Go fuck yourselves.

All Of Us.

Try as I might, I just can't stay home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So this morning, I decided to run into the office and get some things done there.

I was home by 11:00 and now that the Governor has basically said, "stay home, don't go anywhere", I won't go back there until mid April.

I'm going to put on the news and get more pissed off. Then I'm going to put on some baseball and hockey reruns and hopefully lower my POL (pissed off level).

While I do that, you can do these:

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