Monday, March 9, 2020

I'm never going to be able to retire

The stock market dropped quite a bit today. And by "quite a bit" I mean a shit-ton.

On February 12, the DJIA was 29,551 points.
Today, the DJIA is 23,851 points.
That is a downturn of 5,700 points.
That is a loss of 19%

We have lost 20% of our money in less than 30 days because the freakin media are scaring the crap out of people over a version of the flu that is doing less damage to us than the normal annual flu we deal with year.

I wish they would shut up for a while and start listening to what all the medical experts are saying: Don't panic, wash your hands, use disinfecting wipes on things that are touched by a lot of people like grocery carts, airplane seats, David Muir's mom, etc....

And if that news isn't enough to make you a little pissed off, maybe this will push you over the edge.

For the first time in a long time, I'm doing some coding.

I'm trying to put together a simple reporting system that takes in two feeds and merges, splits, manipulates, folds, spindles & mutilates them to produce something that shows who has completed what training.

Problem is, the feed from the training outfit is in excel and it contains data on all training, including people who are no longer that university. Also, the only field that is unique is email address and some people used their personal email instead of their work email. This means there is no common unique field between the training data and the employee data.

I wrote it to rely on excel for a lot of stuff but that was a major mistake. Excel does not like to treat spreadsheets as if they were simple data files and as a result, my process runs like a dog.

I've got to get rid of excel and use real files instead.

Either way, I'm kind of enjoying myself.

I'm currently watching a Red Sox / Braves game that started at 6:00 so I need to pay attention.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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