Monday, March 16, 2020

Massive unemployment

Right now, every waitress, waiter, bartender, bus boy, hostess, etc... is out of work. They have all just been told, there is no work for you. Add this to all the people that used to work at large venues, putting on events and the people who work in the travel industry (airlines, cruise, hotel, planning) and we are essentially in a depression-like economy.

This is bad folks. real bad, and I have questions:

How do bars serve “only through delivery and takeout”? I thought that was illegal in this state?

Will there be baseball in December of this year?

Since we aren't allowed to gather in large groups, what about funerals?

Will my retirement account ever recover from this?

I'm going to warm up some leftovers and eat some dinner.

Here are some links:

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