Thursday, March 26, 2020

This is beginning to get boring

I'm getting used to this WFH thing but it's kinda boring.

My job skills are “info sec/cyber defense/risk management/paranoid nerd” but another part of my job is to educate people. I do that by sending periodic notices to the faculty and staff about what’s going on in the world that could potentially harm them.

Having said that, I thought I’d share with you a thought I shared with them this morning. Please note, I do not use the same language with my coworkers and executive staff that I use with you. What follows is a Survival of the Fittest version of my original message…

Sometime in the next few weeks, the government will be sending out a shitload of money and if you don’t think the scammers are going to work hard to get that money, you are naïve at best, bless your heart.
  • Anyone sending you unsolicited emails or calling you and directing you to a “stimulus package” website is most likely a scammer.
  • Anyone asking you to enter your bank account information in order to facilitate direct deposit of stimulus funds is most likely a scammer.
As I understand it, the IRS is tasked with distributing any stimulus funds to the public. Their website at should be considered the authoritative source for any information about the upcoming stimulus process.

Anyone else claiming to have the “inside scoop” is bullshitting you. Get away from them.

You can click on these if you want:

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