Sunday, October 11, 2020

Home ownership is a constant battle

When you own your home, you are responsible for it's upkeep. It is a job that never ends and just when you fix one thing, something else decides to become a problem.

I spent a fair portion of my day on a ladder, fixing woodpecker damage:

I had to replace five shakes and that picture is of the worst one. The rest had one or two holes in them about the size of a quarter but that particular shake was apparently the target of an extremely aggressive asshole of a woodpecker.

I'm thinking it might be time to break out Ol' Bess...

The Patriots game has been postponed to next week but I managed to watch the second half of the Eagles / Steelers game after I finished working on my house. It was nice to see the Steelers win but it would have been nicer to see the Patriots win.

That covid crap is really messing with people and the Patriots are no exception. There are now four people from the Patriots that have tested positive so I will not be surprised if this leads to a few more games being postponed or canceled all together.

As sports go, there is no other sport with more physical contact than football. If one player has it, it's a pretty good bet that one or two others will end up with it.

You can enjoy these links if you want:

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