Saturday, October 10, 2020

I'm tired

I'm pretty sure that last time I was not tired was when I was 28 years old. It was just my wife and I, living in a condo with almost no responsibilities to anyone else other than our jobs and school. (I was still chasing my bachelors and my wife was finishing her masters). We didn't have babies yet, our moms were still young enough that we didn't need to worry about them, our bodies were still young enough that we didn't have aches and pains keeping us awake at night and we were young enough that a night out with the boys meant meeting up at 9:00 and partying until 2:30. And then going to Denny's for the greasy-spoon-special.

I was 29 when our first child was born and as soon as the babies arrived, we became tired. Work became more stressful because now we had someone depending on us to keep them alive. School became more imperative because the only way to succeed was to better yourself. As the children aged, they became involved in things that caused us to run like marathoners nearing the finish line only there was no finish line, just more running. There was dance, band, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, field hockey, soccer, friends, scouts, school events, church events, etc... and it never seemed to end.

Now that the children are adults and no longer keeping me awake, my body has taken over the role of sleep-depriver. I wake up at least twice a night to take a leak. I fall asleep at 9:30 at night but I'm up at 4:30 in the morning. A night out with the boys has turned into an afternoon/evening with the old guys where I consume three or four beers and then get to enjoy a three-day-hangover. God forbid I should eat anything heavy after drinking those beers because the acid-reflux will keep me awake all night.

I'm tired but you know what? I wouldn't trade any of it for all the sleep in the world. My wife and I are part of a great family and being tired isn't all that bad. The old saying, "It's a good tired" applies most of the time.

Besides, they got this stuff now-a-days called "ibuprofen" that helps with not only aches and pains but also that hangover thing. Now if they can invent something that stops me from waking up every two hours to pee, I'll be all set.

The New York Aaron Judges are on vacation now and the Rays will take on the Astros in the ALCS.

I've decided that I would like to see a world series between the Atlanta Braves and the Tampe Bay Rays simply because they are both east coast teams who's games are normally played in the eastern time zone. I realize that sporting events are scheduled based on what the network carrying them wants and FOX seems to think starting a four hour baseball game at 8:30 is a good idea but at least they won't be starting them at 10:00.

West coast games suck for those of us on the east coast.

My couch buddies:
This is how we spend our evenings. I have one on each shoulder, purring in each ear.

They seem to have adjusted quite well to living in this house.

You can enjoy these few links if you want:

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