Thursday, October 8, 2020

I have a debris-free yard

After yesterday's little blast of wind, my entire yard was covered in leaves, pine needles and pine cones. I figured it would be a good day to hook the bagger up to the lawn tractor and take care of business.

I had to stop and empty the bags every few minutes but now that it's done, it doesn't look terrible. I still don't have a nice grass-covered lawn but at least it's not crap-covered either.

The A's won last night, keeping themselves alive to play again today. The Astros lead the series 2-1 but the A's don't plan on rolling over. As I type this, they are in the sixth inning and the score is 7-4 in favor of the Astros so it's not really looking to good...

There is, however, an upside: Listening to Don Orsillo call a game has been the highlight of my evenings. The man is a great announcer and letting him go was the biggest mistake NESN has ever made.

As for the Rays and Yankees, the Rays won last night as well and they lead the series 2-1. As much as I dislike the Rays, I would like to see them beat the New York Aaron Judges because I'm sick and tired of ESPN fawning all over them. Even when they lose, ESPN continues to write headlines that make you think they are the only team in existence.

Maybe I should just stop reading ESPN....

So a bunch of tiny-dick yabbos decided they were going to kidnap the governor of Michigan and put her on trial for treason.

Do you know what the beauty of our country is? It's the fact that no elected official is given the job for life. They are all given the office for a few years at most. We call it "the vote" and if you don't like one of your elected officials, you can vote against them when their term of office is up. If enough people feel the same as you, that person will lose and be out of office.

It's quite simple, really. No need for guns, sham trials or "storming the castle". Just go to the polls and cast your vote.

I'm going to watch some more baseball and eat some dinner.

You can do whatever you want. If that includes clicking on links, here are some to click on:

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