Friday, October 2, 2020

Is anyone shocked by this?

No one should be shocked that the man with the best medical care, the highest level of security and access to some of the brightest scientific minds on the planet has come down with the 'rona.

No one should be shocked at all.

The reason no one should be shocked by this is because Trump is crazy. He honestly believes he is always the smartest person in the room and he doesn't have to listen to his doctors, his scientists or his security detail.

He is what we used to call a "mental midget".

What I am shocked by is that it took this long for him to contract the disease. I'm also kind of shocked that his wife has it too. I figured she wasn't really spending very much "up close and personal time" with him, if you know what I mean.

In a related thought I had when I read the news about Trump, I really hope Pence doesn't get it because if both Trump and Pence get the 'rona, the next in line for the Presidency is Psycho Nancy Pelosi.

If you think Trump is bad, imagine an executive branch run by Nancy "You can't see what's in it until after you vote for it!" Pelosi.

We'll all end up with a tax rate around %50 and everything you buy will triple in price as every business raises prices to offset the effects of the socialization of corporate America. And if you think there will be any "mom-and-pop" businesses left, you are sadly mistaken. She and congress will put them out of business with draconian rules and taxes.

I'm going to leave you with these links while I go make my world famous pan-seared scallops:

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