Monday, October 26, 2020

Today was sorting day for me.

When it comes to bolts, screws, nuts, nails, clips, fasteners, etc... I am a hoarder. I have containers and bags filled with every screw, bolt, nut etc.. that I have ever removed from old gadgets simply because I live with the belief that you never know when you are going to need 4 inch long #10 machine screw or a plastic insert to protect an electrical cord going into a piece of sheet metal.

The problem is that I simply tossed everything into a container until the container was full and then I started a new container. Well today was the day I decided to put the bolts and screws shorter than 2 inches but longer than 1/2 inch in one container, those longer than 2 inches into another container and those shorter than a half inch into a third container. The nuts all went into one container and washers of every sort into their own container. Finally, everything that did not fit into the first five containers was put into the last container.

I know, I'm odd, but the problem is the other day I was looking for a lock washer to fit a bolt on my lawn mower and I had to look in several different buckets to scrounge one that fit. Now I only need to search through one container.

My Mr. Fix-It life should be a lot easier now.

The Dodgers won last night, taking a 3-2 lead in the series.

There is no game tonight. They play again tomorrow at 8:00 and if the Dodgers win, they will win the series. Also, Dave Roberts will probably get to keep his job.

I don't like the Dodgers but I do like Dave Roberts. He has always struck me as a decent guy with a sense of humor and a pretty good baseball intellect.

The Boston sports wizards are saying that the Patriots are done and they should be sellers before the trade deadline.

The Boston sports wizards should probably shut up and report the sports news instead of trying to manage a team that is currently managed by the winningest coach in NFL history.

Personally, I accept the fact that the Patriots are not going to have a winning season this year and there is a good chance they won't make it into the playoffs.

You know what? I'm okay with that.

Patriots fans have had it good for so long now that we forget that football is a difficult game to win and sometimes your favorite team loses. Besides, the Steelers are looking like they might be the best football team in the league so I got them to pay attention to.

I'm going to leave you with these links:

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