Saturday, October 24, 2020

The damned Dodgers won last night

The Dodgers scored in the first inning and the Rays spent the remaining 8 innings trying to overcome that lead.

Well, maybe "trying" is too strong of a word. Perhaps they spent the rest of the game thinking about overcoming the lead.

When I went to bed, the score was 6-1 in the sixth inning and I found out this morning that the Rays scored one additional run in the ninth, making the final score 6-2.

They play again tonight and once again, I will stay awake to watch as much as possible but 10:00 is pushing the outer edge of my sleep envelope. That means I'll probably make it to the sixth inning again.

They have a rabbit in their sights and I suspect that if they could get through that baby gate, they woud have fun chasing it.
Trust me, they wouldn't be able to catch it but they would have a pretty good time trying.

I got a lot done today so I didn't spend a lot of time surfing for links.

You can feel free to click on these few links if you want:

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