Friday, October 23, 2020

Whelp, guess I screwed that up

Yesterday, I said that there was going to be a baseball game in the evening.

I was wrong.

Apparently I am unable to look at a calendar and discern the date correctly. What can I say, I'm old.

I have checked and rechecked and I can say with full confidence that there will be a baseball game at 8:00 this evening.

Unless of course today is NOT Friday and I'm wrong again in which case, all I can say is, "Who the hell is relying on me to tell them when something is happening? I don't even know what day it is! You hooligans get off my lawn!"

Time for an update on the grandson
    He is doing very well. As a matter of fact, I would say he is doing excellent. And so are his parents.

    His uncle, my youngest son, is trying hard to be "the cool uncle" and I have every reason to believe he will be successful. I mean, he is a drummer...
This has been your update on my grandson.

No, I did not watch the debate last night. It turns out I would rather watch a football game between two teams I could care less about than listen to those two boneheads tell me how great they are. They both suck.

This ends the political portion of our posting.

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