Thursday, April 29, 2021

Covid is hurting the spam industry

I've noticed that my spam/phish email has decreased significantly in the last several weeks and, if I'm being honest, I kind of miss it.

My email reader is pretty good at shifting crap email into a spam bucket and every day, I go through that folder enjoying the bullshit that the lowlife in the world send to me. Most of it was boring and banal like those annoying "Liberty Mutual can insure you for free!" or "You need these Anderson Replacement WIndows". But every once in awhile I would find a gem that made me smile.

I always enjoyed the offer from the finance minister of Kenya telling me he needed to shift $930,128,000 out of his country and if I was willing to help, he would give me 10%. I just needed to give him my bank account number. Another one I liked was the "Hot woman in your area are looking for you!" emails that promise me unrequited love. Another great email is the, "Citibank/WellsFargo/TDBank/BankofAmrica has detected unusual activity on my account." emails that say all I have to do is click here, log in and they will fix everything.

The reason I liked those emails is because they usually originate from a non-english speaking country so the grammatical errors are hilarious.

I miss those entertaining emails but I don't miss the stream of calls/messages I get from friends/relatives telling me they "they may have clicked on some link and now something is wrong with their computer".

Having said all that, I'm going to give you my theory as to why I'm seeing a significant decrease in spam: India is currently being overwhelmed by Covid and 90% of all the spam is generated in India.

My theory is that all of the spam factories are shut down right now. Once they gain control of the virus in India, we will see a massive resurgence of spam so we should enjoy the lull while it lasts.

Hockey is on at 7:00 and baseball is on at 8:40. That means I'll be able to watch two periods of hockey before I flip over to baseball and fall asleep on my couch in the 5th or 6th inning.

While I do that, you can do these:

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