Wednesday, April 21, 2021

That was a fun little storm.

For a brief moment, I was wondering if I might need to get my generator out and ready to go...

We got a little hail and the wind was ramping up pretty well. NOAA indicated we might have gusts that hit 60 mph.

Fortunately, we didn't lose power or internet. The only thing I'm concerned about right now is if these thunderstorms will have any effect the start of tonight's baseball game. They are rolling across the state at 45 mph which means they should hit boston around 6:00. The game starts at 7:10 so hopefully the storms will be gone by then.

Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox managed to beat the Blue Jays 4-2 last night and I managed to stay awake to watch the whole game.

They are still in first place in the American League so no change there but the Yankees are no longer in last place in the AL. That position currently belongs to the Tigers.

I have a feeling it's going to be an interesting and dynamic baseball season.

So let's talk about the conviction of Derek Chauvin and probably piss off some of my elatives and friends. I have been staying out of this entire sordid affair because, well, simply put, there have been enough loud-mouthed assholes spouting their opinions.

But now that it's over with, I feel compelled to say that in this country, uttering (passing bad checks) or counterfeiting (passing fake money) is not a capital crime. We do not execute criminals for either one of those crimes. Floyd should never have been killed because he passed a fake $20.

In my humble non-educated opinion, Chauvin murdered that man. Placing you full body weight on someone's neck will cut off the flow of blood to the brain and air to the lungs. I know it, you know it and Chauvin knows it. What he did was intentional and he should be punished like anyone else that does something like that.

As for the other three cops that were on-scene and seemed to be more concerned about the crowd of five people than they were about the guy strangling and murdering Floyd, they should at least be terminated for negligence of their sworn duty to uphold the laws of the state and nation.

This entire thing was shitty from the start and no one behaved like decent human beings. Not a one of those guys bothered to say, "Uh, Derek, I think your killing him. Maybe you should get off his neck."

And that is all I have to say about that.

It's time for me to put on NESN and see if the game is still a go for 7:00.

You should consider checking these out:

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