Sunday, May 29, 2022

Nice day for yard work

My wife got some more of her gardens cleaned up & mulched and I got my lawn mowed.

Living in New England is a pleasure on days like today. There were no clouds, a light breeze and the temp was around 75°. If I could find someplace on this planet that had weather like this all the time, I would move there.

Then again, weather this nice just might get a little boring after a while. I like the change of seasons.

The stock market has been teasing me for the last week:
It's making me think that one of these days, I might actually be able to retire.

The Red Sox lost last night's game but they won this afternoon's game, beating the Orioles 12-2.

This is a five-game series and it is now tied 2-2. If they win tomorrow's game, they win the series.

I've always said, winning series is what gets them into the postseason. They need to be well above .500 come September if they want to be playing in October and the best way to do that is to win all the series.

We are going to figure out what to do about dinner and then watch some bad television.

You can visit these links if you want:

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