Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Does he have a clue?

Does he even know what his policies are doing? For that matter, does he even know what day it is?

This picture says it all...
That picture is from CNN. It shows Goofy Joe at his party to celebrate his “inflation reduction act” on the same day the DJIA collapses more than 1,200 points (more than 3%) because it turns out inflation is a lot worse than everyone thought.

He keep saying everything is great but everything keeps on sucking. He keeps finding new ways to spend my tax dollars on things that don't help me one bit. He keeps saying the economy is going great but the economists all tell me it is terrible.

I don't want Trump back in the White House but if this guy gets re-elected, we can expect a terrible rest of the decade because that is how long it's gonna take to clean up his mess.

From my sources:

This was a hard plastic-shelled carrying case that had been pressurized with air, not a bomb. When opened, the cover released and struck the hand of the employee with enough force to cause some minor trauma and possibly a contusion.

A note was found inside the case that basically said Zuckerberg is bad and virtual reality is bad.

So in other words, this is the work of a deranged mental midget who doesn't like Facebook or Zuckerberg and thinks that terrorizing Northeastern will make things better.

More proof that we, as a society, are surrounded by idiots...

Here's another entry in the "I get the best spam" category:

I'm going to watch the final Yankees / Red Sox matchup of the season and hope the bullpen doesn't implode again.

While I do that, you can do these:

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