Thursday, September 1, 2022

Holy crap! They won!

The Red Sox avoided a sweep by beating the Twins last night.

For the record, I was not able to stay awake much past the 6th inning but I was pretty jazzed when I checked the scores this morning and saw they won.

They are back in Boston to start a four-game series against the Rangers.

And since they are back in Boston, they are also back in the same timezone as me so maybe I'll be able to watch more than 5 or 6 innings.

Every time Trumps lawyers say something, all I hear is Baghdad Bob (Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf):

Those guys must be graduates of the "Rudy Giuliani School of Lawyering"...

We're considering some fine dining this evening: Bâtonnet de Poisson and Frites.

Or, as we like to call them here in the good old US of A: Fish Sticks and French Fries

While I fire up the air fryer, you can see if these are something you are interest in:

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