Friday, October 21, 2022

Still not much to say

The world is running along at a boring clip. And by "boring", I mean nothing has changed. I suppose if I lived in Eastern Europe, I wouldn't think it was boring.

Hell, I can't even find anything humorous or entertaining to blurb about. Although I will say I found a new comedian that I kinda enjoy: Meet Jeff Arcuri.

The Astros and the Bruins both won yesterday.

This means the Astros have now taken two of seven from the Yankees, giving them a commanding lead and making me happy.

It also means that other than the loss to the Senators the other day, the Bruins are playing some pretty good hockey. This also makes me happy.

The Patriots will not play football this Sunday. They will instead play the Bears on Monday.

I was reading the Patriots news today to see what the status of Mac Jones is (He was limited during practice) and I ran across this story with the key phrase, "it's impossible to deny how well Zappe played in Cleveland".

If I were Jones, I would be a little nervous about my job.

So anyways, I am not a fan of Monday Night Football simply because I find it hard to stay awake for the entire game. Don't get me wrong, I'll still watch it and I will do my best but chances of me seeing very much of the second half is pretty slim.

Huh. Maybe I will be able to retire one day...

I need to figure out what to have for dinner and then figure out what I'm going to watch for entertainment.

The Phillies and the Padres are playing tonight but I don't really care about them. I might watch an inning or two but I suspect this is going to be a Netflix kind of night

Enjoy these links:

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