Friday, June 23, 2023

Busy day

Today was another one of those busy days. I seem to be having more and more of them lately.

Guess I'm just a busy guy.

There is a lot of concern lately that kids are no longer using cursive writing and that a lot of them can't read cursive.

So what. Who cares? Is it really the end of civilization if little Johnny can't read something written in cursive?

I can tell you who cares - old people and nuns. That's who cares.

Then again, I might be a little biased. I attended a catholic school and the nuns attempted to beat cursive into me but I didn't get it. I was always in too much of a hurry. Basically I would make a squiggly line with a few loops tossed in.

My mother had nice, clear handwriting and my father had truly beautiful handwriting but mine looked like something a chimpanzee would create if you handed him a pen & a piece of paper.

The Red Sox will play the White Sox this evening and I can tell you right now that I probably won't see all nine innings.

The game starts at 8:10 and it will probably go until 10:30.

That is past my bedtime.

Bello has the start and hopes are high that he continues his dominance on the mound.

The kid is good. Really good. The Boston media has begun comparing him to a young Pedro Martinez. Personally, I think it's a bit of a stretch and kind of unfair but then again, I'm no "baseball expert" like those guys are.

Enjoy these links:

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