Friday, December 29, 2023

Lunch with the boys

Today was the day I got together with my fellow retired guys and commiserated about our ailments (there's nothing bad with any of us), whined about the state of the world and bragged about our children/grandchildren.

It's always a good time.

Back on March 16th of this year I said, "My concern is that this is going to turn into a shooting war. Psycho Vlad is playing Goofy Joe like a fiddle and Biden is one of those guys who doesn't see himself being manipulated. He does dumb things and I worry that he's going to do something really dumb like decide to send troops over to Ukraine or order the Navy to start making provocative incursions into the waters near Ukraine."

Well, it looks like Goofy Joe is about ready to do exactly what I said he shouldn't do...

I don't know who is responsible for making sure Biden doesn't say something really stupid but whoever it is, they need to be fired.

Someone needs to shut him up before we end up in a hot war.

I'm going to continue watching some DVRs.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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