Saturday, December 30, 2023

Not sure about this

The Red Sox finally made some big move and I'm not entirely sure it's a good or a bad move.

Today, the Red sox traded Chris Sale and $17million to the Braves for a 2nd baseman named Grissom.

The reason I'm not sure about this is because on the one hand, Sale has been in the injured list pretty much most of the last three years and when he has been on the mound, it's been a toss-up as to whether or not he was going to be as good as he was in 2017/2018.

On the other hand, if he overcomes his injuries and gets back into form, he is one of the best pitchers in baseball.

Guess we'll just have to see what happens next. Everything I've read about this kid Grissom is he may very well the next big thing for the Red Sox.

The Bruins are back at it this evening, taking on the Devils at 7:00.

I'm hoping for a quick game that ends before 10:00 with a nice regulation win for the Bruins.

That way I can go to bed a happy guy.

I'll remind you about this in early April. but here's a heads up:

On april 8, 2024 at about 2:00pm, there will be a total solar eclipse across the United States. Totality will pass through upstate New York, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine while those of us in Massachusetts will see between 90 and 95 percent totality.

I personally will see 93.63 percent totality.

I am done with dinner and I'm ready for some hockey.

Here are some links:

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