Saturday, December 2, 2023

The leaves are done

Yesterday I got all the leaves off my yard and my next door neighbors yard. I'm old but they are a lot older and the guy they hire to do their lawn has shut down for the season. Also, I wanted to run as much gas as possible out of my lawn tractor and put it away for the season.

When I looked out my window this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the lawns were still clear except for a small circle under the dogwood in my front yard. Maybe I'll go out one day this week and rake them up, maybe I won't. We'll see how it goes.

I thought today's front cover of the New York Post was funny:

Santos is throwing a digital hissy fit, claiming that everyone he met in the house of representatives was corrupt. He's also claiming that he is going to file ethics violations against at least four house members.

I'm not sure how he can file ethics violations since he is no longer a member of the house. Near as I can tell, the only thing he can do is write a letter to his congressman complaining about them.

Oh, wait. He was his congressman.

Guess he has no one to complain to.

And by the way, I'm willing to bet that he is probably right about the four he wants to complain about. I am one of those people who believes most politicians and used car salesmen are unethical.

The Bruins take on the Maple Leafs this evening and I will be watching.

You can check these out if you want:

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