Sunday, December 24, 2023

Yet another loss

The Bruins lost 3-2 to the Wild last night and are now tied for fourth place in the NHL.

The NHL is on break until the 27th when the Bruins will take on the Sabres. Puck drops at 7:30

It's Christmas Eve and NORAD is once again tracking Santa Clause.

I had someone complain to me once that this was an incredible waste of money. The way they explained it, the governments of the United States and Canada had enough things to spend the tax dollars they collected and this wasn't one of them.

I didn't really have a response to their complaint other than, "Oh, shut up you big whiner."

Time to see if I have any DVRs and then, at 8:00, watch the Patriots and the Broncos play something that may, or may not, resemble football.

While I do that, you should probably figure out what you need to do to make your Christmas successful.

You can also check out these links if you want:

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