Saturday, May 18, 2013

I am the creator and the destroyer....

The other day, I informed you that I was not a small engine repair guy. I was wrong. Turns out that with the help of YouTube and Google, I am indeed a small engine repair guy.

The symptoms being displayed by my push mower indicated a blockage in the fuel system. I replaced the fuel filter and cleared the lines but still the mower would not run.

I did a quick Google search and found a YouTube video showing that the problem could be a blockage of the one or two small jets in the float bowl on the carburetor. The video showed how to get the part out, how to clean it and how to put it back in.

I set about taking the float apart and getting at the jets. They didn't seem plugged but since I'm old, my eyesight sucks and I couldn't really tell. I ran a fine wire through the holes, replaced all the parts, filled the tank with gas and started it up.

I'll be damned, that fixed the problem.

I did all of the trim on my lawn and the lawnmower ran like it was brand new.

Then I broke out my old reliable lawn tractor and set about mowing my entire yard.

I finished up with the lawn and pulled the tractor over to my dumping area to empty the grass catcher. As I was putting the bags back onto the catcher, I hear two or three loud bangs and the tractor stopped running.

It then started smoking. A lot of smoke.

It then started leaking oil. A lot of oil.

I raised the hood and, after the smoke cleared, I noticed two large cracks in the side of the engine block. Oil was seeping from both cracks and I suspect also from another crack on the bottom of the engine.

The first thought that crossed my mind was, "It's like my grandmother, Nana Rosannadana, always said, if it's not one thing, it's another. If it's not clogged carburetor ports on one lawn mower, it's a blown engine on another."

So while it looks like I may have my push mower working nicely but I seem to no longer have a lawn tractor.

Sucks to be me.


Here are some links you can click on while I shop around for lawn mowers:

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