Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I have re-sinked the sink.

As I mentioned at some point in the past, when I installed the sink, I failed to cut the hole in the counter correctly.

There is a ledge below the hole in the counter that needed to be cut down another 1/4 inch so today I disconnected and removed the sink, took a reciprocating saw to the ledge and then dropped the sink back in.

You'll be pleased to hear that it now fits like a glove.

That is if it was a blood-soaked leather glove formerly owned by Orenthal James Simpson.

Oh, and I managed to reverse the hot and cold supply. This means that at some point tomorrow, I have to crawl back under there and correct the problem.

I just don't feel like crawling back under there again today....


Here are a few links that you might be inclined to click on:

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