Friday, May 31, 2013

Not much to prattle on about today

The President is still trying his best to make the IRS/Benghazi/First Amendment things go away.

Our esteemed governor is trying to make us believe that the 2.4 million dollars in state welfare fraud is only 0.1 percent of the total welfare dollars. His exact quote is, "I think the takeaway is it would do everyone well to remember that 99.9 percent of that money is spent appropriately."

I feel compelled to point out that if the $2,400,000.00 is only 0.1 percent of the total, then we got some serious issues because that mean the total state welfare budget is 2.4 billion dollars.

Seems like 2.4 billion dollars is a lot of money to be handed out in a state that has a total population of only 6.7 million people.


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