Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Still trying to recover from my vacation.

I am tired and I think it's because I got very little sleep last weekend.

Don't get me wrong, the hotel we stayed in was very nice and the bed was comfortable. I would recommend the hotel to anyone that was looking for a place to stay in Boston but lets face it, it wasn't my house and it wasn't my bed.

When I was working in a job that had me traveling all over the country, I got used to sleeping in strange hotels. Those days are long behind me now and I haven't done that kind of thing in almost 10 years. I'm not used to it anymore.

So anyways, I'm thinking I need another two or three days to catch up on my missing sleep. Maybe I'll be okay by next Sunday.


The Red Sox are playing the Rays tonight and I am hoping they manage to win this game. As a matter of fact, I'm hoping that they manage to win this series. They are currently one game behind the Orioles and two games behind the Yankees. They need to start winning series again or they are going to dig themselves into a hole they can't get out of.

I know they are experiencing some injuries but so are the Yankees. Injuries aren't a good reason to lose games. Eventually, the Yankees are going to get their big hitters back into the line up and that is when the winning will get hard.


Here are some links:

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