Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Isn't arrogance a wonderful thing.

It must be nice to be Eric Holder. Not only did he skate on the whole Fast and Furious thing, it looks like he's going to get a pass on the whole seizure of Associated Press phone records.

What, exactly, does Mr. Holder do for us? Seems like he hasn't been involved in anything that the department he is responsible for has done lately. If he's not running the Justice Department, why is he collecting a paycheck for being in charge of it?

The real reason the current administration is finding itself under scrutiny is because of the sheer arrogance they exude. From the President on down, there is more arrogance flowing out of them than I have ever seen. Hell, they make the Nixon White House look damned near apologetic and contrite.

We need an arrogant, weasel-like reporter like Bob Woodward to start asking his famous questions again: "What did the President know and when did he know it?"

Oh yea, we also need a new Attorney General. The one we have now is either extremely incompetent and incapable of controlling his organization or he is a sleazy little prick who is incredibly disdainful of the laws he has been appointed to uphold.

And don't you dare get me started on what was done to the people in the US Embassy in Benghazi, Lybia. Those poor bastards were left hanging out to dry and they were murdered when our government decided not to send any help.

Our wonderful Ex-Secretary of State managed a nice little coverup on that whole thing. And for those of you that don't believe me, start reading some news sights other than NBC or ABC. That woman practically hand-crafted every email and memo written about it to make it look like a civilian uprising caused by some silly YouTube movie instead of the terrorist attack that everyone over the age of 5 knew it to be.


I'm going to take a deep breath and try to relax a bit. You can click on these links:

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