Thursday, May 9, 2013

I am not a plumber, part III

I woke this morning and, as I do every morning, I went into the kitchen to make coffee. That was when I discovered that the rug in front of our kitchen sink was wet. I discovered it was wet because I stepped on it and my socks were immediately turned into sponges.

Since this ain't my first rodeo, I knew this condition was bad. Very, very bad.

I pulled everything out from under the sink and found about a half inch of water collected in a tub that was under the drain and a quarter inch on the floor of the cabinet. Because there was water in the tub, I was able to locate the leak based on where the tub was sitting and found that the tail pipe was disconnected. Not a lot of disconnected but enough disconnected that it was leaking pretty good.

I swear to God it was connected yesterday

Oh,  and did I mention that it was probably leaking last night while the dishwasher was running...

I figured that while I was under there screwing around with pipes, skinning my knuckles and banging my head on sharp/hard stuff, I would correct the hot and cold feeds on the faucet so I didn't fill The Dogs water bowl with hot water again.

The moral of this story is: If you need a plumber, don't call me, call a damned plumber.


My youngest is home and The Dog is experiencing something akin to nirvana. From his perspective, this is absolutely the best thing ever. First the girl comes home and now the boy! What could be better!

He is once again in full-blown puppy mode.

And that, my friends, is bad for the cats because he wants to play with them. They, however, don't want to play with him.


In case you haven't noticed, I'm reluctant to talk about the Red Sox. I'm not discouraged but I am beginning wonder what the hell is wrong.

I'm not a doctor so I'm not going to accuse Hannrahan of being a slacker with his "forearm tightness" but that sure sounds like a kind of weiner problem for a guy who is getting paid a lot of money to throw one inning of baseball every few days....


Here are some links:
  • And this is why I like Conan O'Brien.

  • A student calls his teacher out for basically 'phoning it in'. Good for him. We constantly hear about the good teachers and sometimes it might not be a bad thing to hear about the bad ones.

  • Well, I guess it's cheaper than buying The Patch.

  • Only in Florida.

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