Saturday, April 18, 2020

Busy day

My wife asked if I could build some shelves out of all the scrap lumber I have accumulated and I said, "Sure. I can do that". Then I set about ripping all of my scrap lumber into pieces that can be turned into shelves.

As it turns out, I don't have lumber that is long enough to make one shelf unit the size my wife wants but I do have lumber that is long enough to make two units half the size she wants. So today I set about to make the first one. It is currently in the basement while the glue is drying.

Have you ever done a project and when you reached the end of it, you realize that if you had done something just a little different, you would have saved yourself 2 or 3 hours? Well that's what happened to me.

I'll be taking an entirely different approach to building the second unit and hopefully it won't take me as long. I'll still be using screws and glue but instead of trying to build it from the ground up, I'll build the sides first and then build the unit on it's side.

Ikea ain't got nothin' on me.

We had a little visitor show up in our backyard today:

When I sent that picture to my daughter, the vet, she said, "His name is now Albert and I love him".

Albert is still hanging out in that little tree as i type this and mom appears to have shown up with some food, or as I like to call it, "chipmonk tartar".

Today's baseball game is from May 14, 2016 when the Astros showed up in Boston to play the Red Sox.

While I watch baseball and periodically check up on Albert, you can visit these links:

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