Wednesday, April 1, 2020

I know someone with the 'rona

One of my family members has CoViD-19.

The downside? He's my age which puts him right at the, "this isn't good" age bracket.

The upside? He's been sick for the last two weeks and it's wrapping up. He said he felt a little crappy for a few days and has a nasty cough but for the most part, the biggest problem has been isolating himself in a room, away from his family.

Do you want to know the real upside? In two weeks, when he's all done with his isolation, he'll be immune to this shit while the rest of us are wondering if/when we're gonna get it and how bad it will be.

Game 4 of the 2013 World Series is on at 7:00 so I'm gonna watch that.

Here are some links for you:

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