Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Found some improvements

Whenever I move code into production mode, I always look at the results and say, "Ya know, if I did this thing this way, then this other thing would do this thing faster and better." and then I set about doing that thing that way so that other thing did its thing faster and better.

Well, that's what I did today.

All copied all that code from production and I spent my day re-writing a big chunk of it. Tomorrow I'll finish testing & tweaking and move the new code into production where everyone will look at it in awe and say, "It's a miracle!"

Pffffttt... If you believe that, I got a bridge in New York City to sell you.

When it comes to computer code, no one is paying any attention to this stuff until it doesn't work. When it doesn't work, everyone is paying attention to it.

Time for today's grass growing update:
    Yes! We have grass!

    Unfortunately, nothing is growing in the spot The Dog used to poison every time he went out but I kind of expected that. I'll work that spot over in the fall after it's had time to dilute. Everywhere else is starting to turn green.

    Wait, I just had a thought - It's either grass or all the crabgrass that normally grows back there has started to sprout.

    Crap... I hope it's not crabgrass.
This has been today's grass growing update.

Tonight's baseball game is from April 29, 1986. This is the game where Clemens set a record for the number of strikeouts in a nine inning game. Clemens pitched all nine innings and struck out 20 Mariners batters.

While I enjoy leftovers for dinner and watch an awesome baseball game, you can visit these links:

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