Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I need to mow my lawn again

I cut my lawn last Saturday and it looks like I need to cut it again.

This is what I get for having a fertilizer guy.

I have to say, I'm getting a little sick and tired of all the commercials telling me about "our new normal" and that "we are all in this together".


Dear Subaru, Ford, Toyota, etc...

We are not all in this together. We are in this alone. They've told us we need to be alone. They've given it the name "social distancing" but no matter what you call it, it's alone.

And if this is our "new normal", take me now God because this is not how I want to live. This is boring at best and I'm sure there are a lot of people that are bordering on insanity.

Stop trying to sell me your product (Except for you Ford. As a stockholder, I really want you to keep selling product) by convincing me you care about me. Stop telling me you understand what it's like to be me because you don't have a clue what it's like to be me.

You know what it's like to be you and that is all you know. I'm doing okay and your desire to make yourself feel like you are "right there with me" is annoying. It makes me want to not partake of your services.

Except for you Ford. Keep on selling.

I know this may shock you but tonight's baseball game is game three of the 2004 ALDS. I also understand that you may find this a little shocking as well but I can guarantee you that the Red Sox will win tonight's game.

You see, the Red Sox swept the Angels in the ALDS playoffs and moved on to the ALCS against the Yankees. I know this because I watched every game. Some of them I watched with my mom because she was a huge Red Sox fan and two of the three games were on during the day.

I liked watching baseball with my mom.

Enjoy these links:

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