Tuesday, April 28, 2020

They're multiplying

We have suspected for the last few days that Albert was not alone. He seemed to be in two places at once so suspicion was building.

This morning we discovered that Albert has two siblings when we spotted all three fledglings, along with mom, in one tree.

Below is a crappy picture I took of them. I circled each owl because it isn't really apparent they are owls. In the picture, you might think you were looking at tree tumors but trust me, they're owls.

Mom is on the lower branch:

Then, later on and with the aid of some binoculars, I managed to get this picture of the three fledges sitting on a branch together:

I am really hoping for a chipmonk-free summer.

Tonight's baseball game is game 2 of the 2004 ALDS. The Red Sox won last nights game and I predict that they'll win tonight's game.

Well, "predict" might not be the right word. I "know" they win tonight's game.

While I watch baseball, you can click on these:

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