Sunday, August 2, 2020

I'm a grandpa.

At 4:00 this morning, I become a grandfather.

My children never knew their grandfathers because both of them died before any of their grandchildren were born. You have no idea how glad I am that I lived long enough to see the birth of the next generation. This is particularly poignant because my son is a cancer survivor who went through some fairly intense chemo when he was 20 and was told that he might not be able to have children.

I will tell you that my boy is overjoyed with his boy.

No if you'll pardon me, I'm gonna I go look some pictures of my grandson.

The Red Sox suck.

They need pitching. And not just any pitching, they need some good pitching.

Sale is done, Rodriguez is done, Evoldi is trying like hell to hold his own and what is left is a bunch of guys that were either DFAd by their previous clubs or were non-tendered after the 2019 season.

They need to figure out what to do about pitching and soon. There are only 51 games left in this season and that's assuming the 'rona doesn't step in and cancel some of those games.

Key phrase in this story: "He noted that the bureau was forced to cut its Gun Violence Reduction Team at the direction of the City Council. The 34-member team was disbanded July 1 as a result of budget cuts to police units that have targeted a disproportionate number of black people in traffic stops."

This political decisions being made all over the country to defund the police is going to have very, very bad ramifications in the near future.

I have a better idea: let's defund the politicians. I personally think they are more than 90% of the problem.

I'm going to go stare at the baseball game and wonder once again why I am still a Red Sox fan.

While I do that, you can wonder why you are reading this crap:

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