Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Red Sox are in full suck mode

Last night's loss was typical of the season. They didn't even come close to winning. They were down 8-0 in the 4th inning and didn't score a run until the 8th.

I said in the beginning of this season that I didn't care if they won or lost, I was just happy to have baseball back. Well, that was a lie. I'm happy to have baseball back but I'd like to see them win occasionally.

Today's game started at 4:30 and as I type this, it's the first inning and the score is 2-0 in favor of the Rays.

The Red Sox have a rookie named Kyle Hart up pitching and I'm hoping he is some sort of phenom who strikes guys out, I'm hoping he doesn't give up hit after hit and I'm hoping the Red Sox hitters actually hit the ball into play.

I have a lot of hopes...

Now as far as todays post goes, it's pretty minimal. I've been a little busy and the internet is boring me a little bit.

Here are a few links to satisfy your link cravings:

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