Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Turns out the Angels suck too

As of this afternoon, the Angels are in last place in the American League. They are playing as bad as the Red Sox and they've got Mike Trout playing for them. That guy is a baseball monster.

As for the Red Sox, today's game is, shall we say, a little weird.

They are playing the Blue Jays but they are not playing in Toronto. They are playing in Buffalo.

See, the government of Toronto said to the Blue Jays, "Hey, we'll let all of the hockey teams into our city, eh, but you baseball people need to piss of, ya big hosers." This meant the Blue Jays needed to find a new home field so they chose the field where their minor league affiliate, the Buffalo Bisons, play in Buffalo.

And the game time is a bit odd. Not only isn't it the traditional 7:05 start time, it's also kinda specific. It's scheduled to start at 6:37 this evening. Not 6:35 or 6:40, no sir. The first pitch will fly at 6:37 on the dot.

But all that aside, the kid Hart who pitched against the Orioles last Wednesday is up again tonight. He was pretty good but he only made it through 3½ innings. Hopefully he makes it through more than that tonight. If the Red Sox can win this series, they stand a good chance of staying out of last place.

My post last night caused a minor stir among some folks in the world of law enforcement.

Look boys, I get it. Obama and his ilk have gone out of their way to demonize law enforcement while accepting no responsibility for putting cops into the role of being a parent, a social worker, a medic, a marriage counselor, a life saver, a decision maker, and many other things that no one seems to believe. And those same politicians have decided that the one or two cops that do something incredibly stupid are representative of all cops.

I understand, I really do. You have latched on to the one guy who actually thinks you are doing a good job. The one guy who is willing to stand up and back you up. The problem is, he's a first class asshole. The unions that are backing Trump have basically made a deal with the devil.

Given enough time, he will turn on you faster than he turned on James Mattis, John Kelly, Anthony Scaramucci and Michael Cohen.

Yes, Biden will screw you to the wall as bad as Obama did but don't trust Trump to have your back. Trump looks out for Trump and only Trump. We are all just a convenient pawn that he will dispose of first chance he gets.

Baseball at 6:37 and hockey at 7:00. Thank goodness for Picture-in-a-Picture technology.

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