Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mitchy Two Bags is now a Padre

The Red Sox won last night 5-3 and despite the game going until after 10:30, I managed to stay awake to watch all nine innings. I stayed awake because the hitters were hitting the ball and the pitchers were pitching the ball. That meant it was like watching a major league ball game instead of a bunch of rec league players bumbling around and I figured I could stay awake to see it.

Who knows how many times we'll see that happen again this season....

In other Red Sox news, it kinda sucks that they traded Moreland but they got two young players that are considered "top prospects" and they should bring some decent skills to the team in the future.

Also, a young kid that I have been waiting to see, Bobby Dalbec, got called up to play first base today.

I enjoy watching a young kid play his first game in the majors. They always have immense energy and they are excited to be there. They make mistakes but they learn from those mistakes and they have a great time.

As for this afternoons game, the Red Sox won 9-5. They played pretty darned well and Dalbec made a good showing both defensively and offensively.

He played agood first base and while his first at-bat was a strikeout, his second at-bat was a home run.

Not bad for a kid who was probably nervous as hell.

The Bruins are not doing too well. They are not in good shape right now and I'm assuming that Bruce Cassidy is reworking his lines to find the right combination. The Lightning leads the series 3-1 and if the Bruins lose tomorrow, they are done.

I'm pretty sure they are a far better team than I am seeing right now. They should be leading this series but they just aren't and I have no idea why. I'm hoping Cassidy knows why and he can fix it.

I'm going to eat some dinner and then watch some DVRs.

Despite staying awake to watch the entire game last night, I still woke up at 4:30 this morning and now I'm tired. I'm working on forcing myself to stay awake until at least 9:00 becquse if I fall asleep at 8:00, I'll be up at 3:00 tomorrow morning.

If you are interested in links, here they are:

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