Monday, September 21, 2020

It might be time to turn the heat on

At 5:30 this morning, I came downstairs and noticed that my outside thermometer read 32°, a temperature that is also known as "cold".

It just might be time for me to change the setting the furnace from "summer" to something a bit more appropriate for freezing temps.

Time for an update on my grandson:
    He's doing great, thanks for asking.
This has been your update on my grandson.

Some nutcase drove from the US into Canada, got some ricin and mailed it to Trump. She also mailed some to unnamed law enforcement agencies. Then she tried to return to the US where she was promptly arrested crossing the border because she was transporting a firearm.

This shouldn't shock anyone. During his presidency, Obama received at least two letters laced with ricin. Nutjobs like to use it to terrorize or kill people that they think aren't paying attention to them because, well, apparently ricin is easier to get than a gun.

But in my opinion, the key part of the story is kind of being brushed aside like it's no big deal. The fact she mailed that shit to some "unnamed" law enforcement agencies means that it's quite possible some poor administrative assistant will open a letter that will kill them.

Our society seems to be overrun with nutjobs and for the most part, we don't seem to be doing anything about them. We let them wander around, muttering under their breath things like, "I'll show them. I'm gonna show 'em all, you just wait and see."

The Patriots lost last night but it was a hell of a game.

There are no sporting things tonight so I guess I'll be watching DVRs.

No matter what I watch, I'll probably fall asleep early so while I do that, you can do these:

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