Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Documentation, documentation, documentation

I hate writing documents. Particularly documents that do not have a story line, a plot, relatable characters or a beginning, a middle and an end.

I don't mind writing. Hell, I've been writing this thing for almost 13 years now (yes, I know the timeline starts in 2012 but before that, I had my own website on Pats' webserver for at least 5 years prior to this) so there is proof that I don't mind writing. What I don't like is writing something that is both instructional and dictatorial.

My day today was spent writing a document on procedures to be followed in the event of a security incident.

Trust me when I say it's boring as hell.

Here is the latest drought monitor courtesy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln:
In case you are curious, me and my lawn are located in the severe drought region.

They say it might rain tonight so hey, we got that going for us.

Back on July 23rd, I posted a screen shot of some predictions made by a bunch of "experts" at CBS Sports.

I said I would link back to those predictions on OCtober 1st and today is Spetember 29th. Close enough.

Turns out they weren't too far off. Here are the standings after the final games on September 27:

The Yankees and the Indians are playing at 7:00 tonight so I'll watch some of that. I may also watch some of the debate tonight just to hear what insults they toss at each other.

While I plow through that, you can plow through these:

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