Thursday, September 17, 2020

We are famous

My brother has been digging around in Ancestry and found that our family history contains a brush with fame.

During the movie Saving Private Ryan, a letter is read that was written by President Abraham Lincoln to a Mrs. Lydia Bixby. If you don't know the scene, here it is.

In the letter, Lincoln states that he has learned that she lost five of her sons to the war and that she has the nation's gratitude for her sacrifice.
For the record, the letter is real but her story is bullshit. Turns out she lied about a lot of things, including her sons. One of her sons was a deserter, another died of tuberculosis and a third may have changed sides and joined the Confederacy. Also, there are some accusations of someone maybe running a house of ill-repute, committing fraud and having generally loose morals.

But that is not what I can here to tell you.

My brother has found that Lydia Bixby is our 4th Great Grandmother on our father's side.

I guess we're famous.

The Red Sox took the series from the Marlins this afternoon by winning game three of their three game series.

Evoldi pitched a good game and Devers & Plawecki swung a good bat.

Next up is a three game series at home against the Yankees. It would be nice to see them beat the Yankees...

Here are today's links:

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