Wednesday, September 30, 2020

We finally got some rain

My lawn is slowly becoming a lawn again. I probably should get some seed, scratch the ground a bit and see if maybe I can get it to turn into grass.

Or maybe I'll just leave it the way it is and see what it looks like in the spring.

I managed to watch about 3 or 4 minutes of the debate before I had to change the channel.

I can't emphasis enough how frustrating it is for me to have a choice of Trump or Biden.

The democrats should blow their party up and start over because if after four years of Trump the best the democrats can offer is Biden, they have seriously screwed themselves up.

And the republicans should blow their party up as well. If the democrats ever get their collective shit together and start running candidates that the people like, the republicans will become nothing more than a footnote in the history books, right next to the whig party. Trump has done a lot of damage to the party of Lincoln and the only reason they are getting elected is because the democrats are worse.

I'm just gonna write-in my name this year.

I watched some of the Yankees / Indians game last night and I'll probably watch some of it again tonight.

I'm not watching it because of the Yankees, I'm watching it because of the Indians. They are not going to win the series but I'll root for them anyways.

Enjoy these links:

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