Monday, September 28, 2020

Non-political politics

I’ve never understood the fascination we have with how much people pay in taxes. If you invest $1,000 and it returns $1,500, you are only paying taxes on the $500, not the entire $1,500. And if you were to take the $1,000, put it in your pocket and reinvest the $500 you earned, you don’t pay any taxes.

You see, you don’t pay any taxes on money you’ve already paid taxes on (the original $1,000) and as long as you continue to reinvest the capital gains, you don’t pay any taxes at all. This holds true whether you are talking about $1,000 or $1,000,000,000.

Look, I think Trump is back-stabbing, arrogant, self-serving New York slumlord with all the class & style of a $5.00 hooker and the diplomacy of a little 6 year old boy. Personally, I think everyone that voted for him should really rethink their belief system but his business losses and gains are really none of my business. This weasel-like focus that the democrats have on his tax returns borders on insanity.

And that, my friends, is all I'm going to say about politics today.

My little office setup that I put together last week is working out pretty darned nice.

I had both windows open today and the breeze made it pleasant & comfortable up there. The Small Dog slept on the floor at my feet and when they weren't trying to type on my keyboard, The Cat's slept on the bed. The one thing I miss about being at the kitchen table is the television. I always turned the news on at noon and now I don't have that. Maybe I'll get one of those small cheap TVs and put that up there.

Or maybe I'll just come down to the tv room at noon and watch the news while I eat lunch. Seems like that might be more reasonable than buying a tv that I'm only going to use for a few minutes a week.

One of my daughter's friends sent her a little gift today:
They are bat wings for the cats.

For the record, the cat is not overjoyed with them:

My daughter's friend has a good sense of humor.

There is no baseball tonight and Monday Night Football doesn't start until 8:15 or so.

I'm going to watch a few DVRs and then some football. You can do whatever you want, including clicking on these links:

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